The first teacher that I found is a first grade teacher in Canada. I was really impressed with the things she was doing in her class. I have a first grader, so it was really neat to se how involved in this technology her first graders were. The can post their art work and writings and share them with family that do not live close by. They have blogging budies in other countries. They also do podcasts. I think it is a great way to get kids that are only 6 or 7 years old to think outside the box. Most kids this age would not even think about other people in other countries. I am sure it really helps them to get a sense of the bigger picture. You can veiw Mrs. Cassidy's site by clicking here.
The second teacher I found is an eigth grade Humanities teacher at the american embassy school in New Delhi, India. First you can see the difference in his teaching compared with the very laid back teaching styles here. He seems strictly business. As you can see the only picture he had was a simpson of himself. His students can get a general class description, reflection of the previous assignment, look at previous weeks, access their own blogs, get condensed lectures, take a class poll, and get assignments from his site. You can access his site by clicking here.