The first teacher is Gordon Brune. He is a 5th grade math teacher at Mamaroneck Avenue school in N.Y.. Mr. Brune has a section for links that the kids can use from anything to researching to the latest scholastic news event. He has a list of names of all his students that you cacn click to get to their blog pages. He has pictures of his class and a map showing the different states and countries that his kids blog with. He also has a place fro his kids to post comment about anything they want and even leaves it open for his former students to post to as well. You can access his site by clicking Gordon Brune's class
The second teacher is Erik Langhorst. He is an 8th grade history teacher at South Valley Junior High School in Liberty, Missouri. One of his blogs he uses almost like an online class. He posts questions about assigned reading materials and asks the kids to respond to the questions. He also asked for the kids to answer questions at the end of the school year to let him know what they thought about the online experience. His class blog has links kids can use to get extra info about the class topics. He also posts his weekly class letters and once a week he chooses a different student to post a blog about what the class has been doing that week. You can access his site by clicking Erik Langhorst's class
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